সোমবার, ২২ আগস্ট, ২০২২

What is tense?


What is tense?
কোন কাজের ভিন্ন ভিন্ন সময় নির্দেশ করতে Verb-এর আকারের যে পরিবর্তন ঘটে তাকে Verb-এর Tense বা ক্রিয়ার কাল বলে।

According the action and time of verb tense is three kinds. They are;

1. Present tense
2. Past tense
3. Future tense
1. Present tense is four forms: They are;
1. Present Indefinite tense
2. Present continuous tense
3. Present perfect tense
4. Present perfect continuous tense
2. Past tense is four forms: They are;
1. Past Indefinite tense
2. Past continuous tense
3. Past perfect tense
4. Past perfect continuous tense
3. Future tense is four forms: They are;
1. Future Indefinite tense
2. Future continuous tense
3. Future perfect tense
4. Future perfect continuous tense

What is Present Indefinite Tense?

Present Indefinite Tense

What is present indefinite tense?
Definition: কোন কাজ বর্তমানে হয় বা হয়ে থাকে বুঝালে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Present Indefinite Tense হয়।
Structure of present indefinite tense:
Subject + Verb + s or es according to Number and person + object + Extension.
বাংলা বাক্যে Prestent Indefinite tense চেনার উপায়:
বাংলা ক্রিয়ার শেষে ই, এ, ও, য়, য়া, এদের যে কোন একটি যোগ থাকে অর্থাৎ ক্রিয়া যদি –যাই, খাই, পড়ি, ধরি, শুনি এরুপ অবস্থায় থাকে অথবা সাধারণ ভাবে কোন ঘটনা ঘটার বর্ণনা থাকে অথবা কাজটি যদি কোন অভ্যাস জনিত ঘটনা হয় অথবা কাজটি চিরন্ত সত্য হয় তাহলে বাক্যটি Prestent Indefinite tense হবে।
সাধারণ বাক্য:
রহিম গান গায়।– Rahim sings a song.
রিমা চিঠি লিখে। - Rima writes a letter.
হামিদ বল খেলে। Hamid plays ball.
অভ্যাস জনিত বাক্য:
সে প্রতিদিন সকালে চা পান করে। - He drinks tea everyday.
রহিম নিয়মিত সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠে। - Rahim gets up early in the morning.
তিনি নিয়িমত সংবাদ পত্র পড়েন। He reads newspaper regularly.
চিরন্তন সত্য বাক্য:
সূর্য পুর্ব দিকে উঠে। The sun rises in the east.
পৃথিবী সূর্যের চারদিকে ঘুরে। The earth moves round the sun.
পানি নিম্নে প্রবাহিত হয়। Water flows down.
ইংরেজী sentence এ Prestent Indefinite tense চেনার উপায়:
ইংরেজী sentence এ subject এর পর verb এর সাথে s / es থাকলে Prestent Indefinite tense হয়। Negative sentence এ subject এর পর do not বা does not থাকলে Prestent Indefinite tense হয়। Interrogative sentence এ subject এর আগে Do বা Does থাকলে Prestent Indefinite tense হয়।
মুহিন প্রতিদিন বিদ্যালয়ে যায় – Muhin goes to school regularly.
রহমান সত্য কথা বলে – Rahman speaks the truth.
হামিদ তার শিক্ষকে সম্মান করে – Hamid obeys his teachers.
শিশুটি ঘুমায় – The baby sleeps.
লোকটি একটি সাপ মারে – The man kills a snake.
ছেলেরা মাঠে ফুটবল খেলে – The boys play football in the field.
মেয়েরা রৌদ্রে দৌড়ায় – The girls run in the sun.
পাখিরা আকাশে উড়ে – Birds fly in the sky.
দুলাল একটি কবিতা পড়ে – Dulal reads a poem.
মিজান নদীর পাড়ে বেড়াতে যায় – Mijan goes to the bank of river for a walk.
ঘোড়া ঘাস খায় – The horse eats grass.
তারা লুডু খেলে – The play Ludu.
সূর্য পৃথিবীর চারদিকে ঘুরে – The earth moves round the sun.
সূর্য পুর্ব দিকে উঠে – The sun rises in the east.
আমি তোমাকে চিনি – I know you.
সূর্য পশ্চিম দিকে অস্ত যায় – The sun sets in the west.
চাঁদ পৃথিবীর চারদিকে ঘুরে – The moon moves round the earth.
কামাল গাড়ি চালায় না।– Kamal does not drive a car.
হাসান মাদরাসায় যায় না।– Hasan does not got to madrasah.
রিয়াদ ধুমপান করে না।– Reyad does not smoke.
সে তোমাকে চিনে না। - He does not know you.
হামিদা বাড়ি যায় না।– Hamida does not go home.
শিশুটি কি কাঁদে?- Does the child cry?
জামাল কি মাছ ধরে?- Does Jamal catch fish?
তিনি কি রুটি খান? – Does he eat bead?
আমরা কি ভাত খাই না? – Do we not eat rice?
হাবলু কি খেলতে য়ায়? – Does Hablu go to play?
গরু কি লাঙ্গল টানে? – Does the cow draw the plough?
সে কি প্রত্যেহ চা পান করে? – Does he drink tea regularly?
হাসিব কি গান গায়? – Does Hasib sing a song?

What is Present continuous Tense?

Present Continuous Tense

What is Present continuous Tense?
Definition: কোন কাজ বর্তমানে হচ্ছে বা চলছে বুঝালে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Present Continuous Tense হয়।
Structure of Present continuous Tense: Subject + am, is, are (according to Number and person) + verb + ing + object + Extension.

1st Person:
I am drinking water.
We reading newspaper.
2nd Person:
You are teaching me English.
You are digging a hole on the ground.
3rd Person:
He/She/Rahim is driving a car.
They are swimming in the river.
আমি একটি অংক করতেছি। - I am doing a sum.
তারা বই পড়ছে। - They are reading books.
আজিজ একটি কবিতা লিখছে। - Aziz is writing a poem.
তারা একটি ঘর নির্মাণ করছে। - They are building a house.
আমরা তাকে বন্ধু হিসেবে গ্রহণ করছি। - We are accepting him as a friend.
রহিম স্বপ্ন দেখছে। - Rahim is dreaming.
কামাল এখন ইংরেজী পড়ছে। - Kamal is reading English now.
তারা বনে কাঠ পুড়ছে। - They are burning the wood in the jungle.
সে আমার ব্যাপারটা চিন্তা করছে। - He is thinking over my matter.
সে গাছের পাতা ছিঁড়ছে। - He is tearing the tree’s leaves.
কৃষক গরু তারাচ্ছে না। - The farmer is not driving the cow.
তারা কি তাদের মত বদলাচ্ছে? – Are they changing their opinion?
পুলিশ কি চোরটিকে ধরছে? – Is the police catching the thief?
সে কি নদীতে মাছ ধরছে? - Is he catching fishes in the river?
ছেলেটি একটি ঘুড়ি উড়াচ্ছে। - The boy is flying a kite.
আমি ঢাকা যাচ্ছি না। - I am not going to Dhaka.
সে কি আল্লাহর নিকট প্রার্থনা করছে না? – Is he not praying to Allah?
তাহারা কি নদীতে গোসল করছে? – Are they bathing in the river?
আমার দাদা খরবের কাগজ পড়ছেন। - My grandfather is reading newspaper.
সে কি আমাকে সাহায্য করছে। - Is he helping me?
শিক্ষক ছাত্রদের ক্লাশে ইংরেজী পড়াচ্ছেন। - The teacher is teaching English in the class.
আমরা তোমাকে প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করাছি না। - We are not asking you questions.
ছাত্ররা ক্লাশে গোলমাল করছে। - The students are making a noise in the class.
তুমি আমার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছ। - You are waiting for me.

What is Past Indefinite Tense?

Past Indefinite Tense
Definition: অতীত কালে কোন কাজ সম্পন্ন হয়েছে বা শেষ হয়েছে, এখন আর হয় না বুঝালে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Past Indefinite Tense হয়।
Structure: Subject + Principal Verb-এর Past form + object + Extension.
1st Person:
1. I ate a mango.
2. We grown rice in the field.
2nd Person:
1. You forgot his name.
2. You bought a fine shirt.
3rd Person:
1. He/She/Rahim thought about future.
2. They wrote their own address.
আমি বাড়ি গিয়েছিলাম। - I went home.
হাসিব মাছ ধরেছিল। - Hasib caught fish.
তাহারা মসজিদে প্রর্থনা করেছিল। - They prayed in the mosque.
আমি মিথ্যা কথা বলিনিI I did not tell a lie.
জামান গতকাল বিদ্যালয়ে আসেনি। -Jaman did not come to madrasah yesterday.
মা আমাদের জন্য ভাত রান্না করেছিল।– Mother cooked rice for us.
তোমরা বাড়ি গিয়েছিলে। - You went home.
রিমন ছবি এঁকেছিল। –Rimon drew a picture.
তুমি দরিদ্র লোকটিকে সাহায্য করেছিলে। –You helped the poor man.
আমি এ বিষয়ে চিন্তা করেছিলাম।– I thought about this matter.
সে একটি দরখাস্ত লিখেছিল।– He wrote an application?
তারা মাঠে খেলছিল। - They played in the field.
আমি একটি উপন্যাস পড়োছিলাম। - I read a novel.
তোমরা কি এখানে এসেছিলে?– Did you come here?
তিনি আমাকে অনুরোধ করেছিলেন। - He requested me.
আমরা এই গ্রামে বাস করেছিলাম। - We lived in this village.
লোকটি তার দায়িত্ব পালন করেছিল। - The man did his duty.
করিম সত্য কথা বলেছিল।– Karim spoke the truth.
সে অংকটি কষেনি।– He did not do the sum.
গরুটি মাঠে ঘাস খেয়েছিল।– The cow ate grass in the field.
পুলিশ চোরটিকে প্রহার করেছিল।– The police beat the thief.

What is Present Perfect Continuous Tense?

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

What is Present Perfect Continuous Tense?
Definition: কোন কাজ বর্তমানে কিছুকাল পূর্ব হতে শুরু হয়ে এখনও চলছে বা হচ্ছে বুঝালে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Present Perfect Continuous Tense হয়।
Structure of Present perfect continuous Tense: Subject + have/has been (according to Number and person) + verb + ing + object + Period of time/Point of time + Extension.
1st Person:
I have been reading books for five hours.
We have been working rice since 10Am.
2nd Person:
You have been helping the man since morning.
You have been reading in the school for 2 years.
3rd Person:
He/She/Rahim has been drawing a picture for 1 hour.
They have been living in the village for 10 years.
রহমান ৫ ঘন্টা ধরে ঢাকা হতে চট্টগ্রাম আসছে। - Rahman has been coming to Chattagram from Dhaka for five hours.
তারেক পাঁচ বছর থেকে তার কর্তব্য পালন করছে। - Tarek has been doing his duty for five years.
তারা বিড়ালটিকে ৫ মিনিট যাবত প্রহার করছে। - They have beating the cat for five minutes.
আমি ৪ বছর যাবত এই স্কুলে পড়িছ I have been reading in this school for four years.
রহিম দুই ঘন্টা ধরে বইটি পড়ছে। - Rahim has been reading the book for two hours.
মা ১ ঘন্টা যাবত ভাত রান্না করছেন।– Mother has been cooking rice for an hour.
তোমরা ৩ ঘন্টা যাবত বাড়ি যাচ্ছ। - You have been going to home for three hours.
রিমন ৭ ঘন্টা ধরে ছবি আঁকছে –Rimon Has been drawing pictue for seven hours?
তোমরা ২ঘন্টা ধরে ইঁদুরটি তাড়াচ্ছ? –You have been drivign the rat for two hours?
আমি দুই ঘন্টা যাবত এ বিষয়ে চিন্তা করছি।– I have been thinking about this matter for two hours.
সে ১ ঘন্টা যাবত একটি দরখাস্ত লিখছে।– He has been writing an application for an hour?
তারা মাঠে ৩ ঘন্টা ধরে খেলছে। - They have been playing in the field for three hours.
আমি ৪ ঘন্টা যাবত একটি উপন্যাস পড়ছি। - I have been reading a novel for four hours.
তোমরা কি সকাল থেকে এখানে অপেক্ষা করছ?– Have you been waiting here since morning?
ময়নুল ১ ঘন্টা যাবত স্কুলে যাচ্চে। - Moynul has been going to school for an hour?
তারা পাঁচ বছর যাবত এই গ্রামে বাস করছেৃ। - They have been living in this village for five years?
লোকটি তিন বছর যাবত তার দায়িত্ব পালন করছে। - The man has been doing his duty for three years.

What is Present Perfect Tense?

Present Perfect Tense

What is Present Perfect Tense?
Definition: কোন কাজ বর্তমানে সবে মাত্র শেষ হয়েছে কিন্তু তার ফল এখনও বিদ্যমান রয়েছে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Present Perfect Tense হয়।
Structure of present perfect tense: Subject + have, has (according to Number and person) + Past participle form of Principal verb + object + Extension.
1st Person:
I have helped my brother.
We have finished our work.
2nd Person:
You have done the sum.
You have sung a song.3rd Person:
He/She/Rahim has killed a snake.
They have seen a beautiful bird on tree.
জয়নাল ঢাকা হলে চট্টগ্রাম আসল। - Joynal has come to Chattagram from Dhaka.
তারেক তার কর্তব্য পালন করেছে। - Tarek has done his duty.
তারা বিড়ালটিকে প্রহার করছে। - They have beaten the cat.
আমি ভাত খেলাম।– I have eaten rice
রহিম বইটি পড়েছে। - Rahim has read the book.
সে ভাত রান্না করেনি।– She has not cooked rice.
তোমরা বাজারে যাওনি। - You have not gone to Bazar.
রিমন কি ছবি একেঁছে? – Has Rimon drawn pictue?
তোমরা কি ইঁদুরটি মেরেছ? – Have you killed the rat?
আমি কাজটি করিনি।– I have not done the work.
সে কি একটি দরখাস্ত লিখেছে?- Has he written an application?
তারা মাঠে খেলতে গেল। - They have gone to play in the field.
আমি একটি উপন্যাস পড়েছি। - I have read a novel.
তোমরা কি একটি পাখি ধরেছো? – Have you caught a bird?
ময়নুল কি স্কুলে গিয়েছে?- Has Moynul gone to school?
তুমি কি একটি কলম কিনেছ? - Have you bought a pen?
তুমি তোমার দায়িত্ব পালন করেছ। - You have done your duty.

What is Past Continuouse Tense?

Past Continuous Tense

Definition: কোন কাজ অতীত কালে হচ্ছিল বা চলছিল বুঝালে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Past Continuous Tense হয়।
Structure: Subject + was, were (according to Number and person) + verb + ing + object + Extension.
1st Person:
1. I was reading a book.
2. We were playing football in the field.
2nd Person:
1. You were drawing a picture.
2. You were drinking tea.br>3rd Person:
1. He/She/Rahim was running on the road.
2. They were cutting paddy in the field.
আমি পড়ার ঘরে একটি অংক করতেছিলাম। - I was doing a sum in reading room. .
তারা ইংরেজী বই পড়ছিল। - They were reading English books. .
আজিজ একটি বাংলা কবিতা লিখছিল। - Aziz was writing a Bangali poem. .
তারা একটি ঘর নির্মাণ করছিল। - They were building a house. .
আমরা তাকে বন্ধু হিসেবে গ্রহণ করছিলাম। - We were accepting him as a friend. .
রহিম ঘুমে স্বপ্ন দেখছিল। - Rahim was dreaming in sleep. .
কামাল এখন ইংরেজী পড়ছিল। - Kamal was reading English now. .
তারা বনে কাঠ পুড়ছিল। - They were burning the wood in the jungle. .
সে আমার ব্যাপারটা চিন্তা করছিল। - He was thinking over my matter. .
সে গাছের পাতা ছিঁড়ছিল। - He was tearing the tree’s leaves. .
কৃষক গরু তারাচ্ছিল না। - The farmer was not driving the cow. .
তারা কি তাদের মত বদলাচ্ছিল? – Were they changing their opinion? .
পুলিশ কি গতকাল চোরটিকে ধরছিল? – Was the police catching the thief yesterday? .
সে কি নদীতে মাছ ধরছিল? - Was he catching fishes in the river? .
ছেলেটি খোলা মাঠে একটি ঘুড়ি উড়াচ্ছিল। - The boy was flying a kite in the open field. .
আমি ঢাকা যাচ্ছিলাম না। - I was not going to Dhaka. .
সে কি আল্লাহর নিকট প্রার্থনা করছিল না? – Was he not praying to Allah? .
তাহারা কি নদীতে গোসল করছিল? – Were they bathing in the river? .
আমার দাদা খরবের কাগজ পড়ছিলাম। - My grandfather was reading newspaper. .
সে কি সকালে আমাকে সাহায্য করছিল। - Was he helping me in the morning? .
শিক্ষক ছাত্রদের ক্লাশে ইংরেজী পড়াচ্ছিলেন। - The teacher was teaching English in the class. .
আমরা তোমাকে প্রশ্ন জিজ্ঞাসা করছিলাম না। - We were not asking you questions. .
ছাত্ররা ক্লাশে গোলমাল করছিল। - The students were making a noise in the class. .
তুমি আমার জন্য অপেক্ষা করছিলে। - You were waiting for me.

What is Past PerfectTense?

Past Perfect Tense

Definition: অতীত কালে কোন একটি কাজের পূর্বে কিংবা পরে আর একটি কাজ হয়েছিল বুঝালে বা একটি কাজের সাথে আর একটি কাজ হয়েছিল এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Past Perfect Tense হয়।
1. Structure: Subject + had + Past participle form of Principal verb + before + Subject + Past form of principal verb + object / Extension.
2. Structure: Subject + Past form of Principal verb + after + Subject + Past participle form of principal verb + object / Extension.
1st Person:
1. I had done my duty before you came.
2. We had finished our work before you reached home.
2nd Person:
1. You drew a picture after he had eaten rice.
2. You drank tea after they had gone here.
3rd Person:
1. He/She/Rahim did the sum after the teacher had came.
2. They came here after you had gone there.
ডাক্তার আসিবার আগে রোগী মারা গিয়েছিল।– The patient had died before the doctor came.
ডাক্তার আসার পরে রোগী মারা গিয়েছিল।– The patient died after the doctor had come.
রেলগাড়ি ছাড়ার পর আমি স্টেশনে পৌঁছেছিলাম। - I reached the station after the train had left.
রহিম চলে যাবার আাগে হাকিম এসেছিল। Hakim had come before Rahim went.
রহমত স্কুলে পৌঁছার পূর্বে ঘন্টা বেজেছিল। The bell had rung before Rahmat reached to school.
আমরা বাজারে পৌঁছার পুর্বে বৃষ্টি শুরু হয়েছিল। The rain had started before we reached to bazar.

What is Future Indefinite Tense?

Future Indefinite Tense

Definition: কোন কাজ ভবিষ্যৎ কালে হবে বুঝালে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Future Indefinite Tense হয়।
Structure of Future Indefinite Tense: Subject + shall, will (according to number and person) + present form of Verb + object + Extension.

1st Person:
I shall eat bread in the morning.
We shall watch TV after learning our lesson.
2nd Person:
You Will run on the road tomorrow.
You will help the blind man when he cross the road.
3rd Person:
He/She/Rahim will cook food for his/her family.
They will catch fishes in the pond.

মাহিন প্রতিদিন বিদ্যালয়ে যাবে। – Mahin will go to school regularly.
রহমান তোমাকে সাহায্য করবে। – Rahman will help you.
হামিদ তার শিক্ষকের কাছে থেকে পড়া শিখবে। – Hamid will learn lesson from his teachers.
আমি রাত্রে ঘুমাব। – I shall sleep at night.
আমরা রাত্রে চাঁদ দেখব। – We shall see moon at night.
ছেলেরা মাঠে ফুটবল খেলবে। – The boys will play football in the field.
মেয়েরা ওঠানে খেলবে। – The girls will play in the yard.
পাখিরা সকালে আকাশে উড়বে। – Birds will fly in the sky in the morning.
দুলাল একটি কবিতা আবৃতি করবে।– Dulal will recite a poem.
মিজান নদীর পাড়ে বেড়াতে যাবে। – Mijan will go to the bank of river for a walk.
ঘোড়া ঘাস মাঠে খাবে।– The horse will eat grass in the field.
তারা লুডু খেলবে। – They will play ludu.
আমরা বেড়াতে যাব। – We shall go for a walk.
আমি তাকে একখানা বই দেব। – I shall give him a book.
আমি ইংরেজী শিখব। – I shall learn English.
আমি একটি গল্প পড়ব। – I shall read a story.
তুমি দেরি করবে না। – You will not late.
কামাল গাড়ি চালাবে না।– Kamal will not drive a car.
হাসান মাদরাসায় যাবে না।– Hasan will not go to madrasah.
রিয়াদ ধুমপান করবে না।– Reyad will not smoke.
তারা কি পরীক্ষায় পাস করবে? – Will they pass in the examination?
হামিদা বাড়ি যাবে না।– Hamida will not go home.
আজ কি বৃষ্টি হবে?- Will it rain today?
জামাল কি মাছ ধরবে?- Will Jamal catch fish?
তিনি কি রুটি খাবেন? – Will he eat bread?
আমরা কি ভাত খাব না? – Shall we not eat rice?
হাবলু কি খেলতে য়াবে না? – Will Hablu not go to play?
গরু কি লাঙ্গল টানবে? – Will the cow draw the plough?
সে কি প্রত্যেহ চা পান করবে? – Will he drink tea regularly?
হাসিব কি গান গাবে? – Will Hasib sing a song?

Applications and its rules

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah seeking permission to go on a study tour.

Date: 20.02.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject: Application for permission to go on a study tour.
Dear Sir,
With great honour, we would like to state that we are the students of your Madrasah and wish to go on a study tour to Saint Martin Island and Bandarban. This visit may take 4 days and cost 3000 taka each. We seek your kind permission and financial support as well.
Therefore,we hope and pray that you would be kind enough to give us kind permission to on the tour and assist us with your own participantion and ther teachers as well for an enjouable journey.
Your most obedient pupil
Rahimullah Hasnain
On the behalf of the students
Class:Ten; Roll No:01

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for a half holiday to withness a friendship football match.

Date: 12.05.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for permission for a friendly football match.
Dear Sir,
We the students of your Madrasah most respectfully state that we want to arrange a friendly football match with Sipatoli Kamil Madrasah this afternoon. Our game teacher has taken the responsibilites to conduct the match. This match would be helpful to develop friendship among us.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us for a friendly football match to develop freindship among us.
Obediently yours,
Kamal Hossain
On behalf of the students of
BZUM Fazil Madrasha
Hathazari, Chattagram.

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for remission fo fine for late payment.

Date: 10.06.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for rermission of delay fine.
Dear Sir,
With due honour, I wish to draw your kind notice that I have been a regular student of your Madrasah since I got myself admitted in class 7. I use to pay the monthly fees in time. But my father had been ill for some days and my mother could not manage the monthly fees for me. So, I faild to pay my tuition fees of the current month on the due date. Today is the last date of payment. I want to pay the fees only.
I therefor, pray that you would be kind enough to remit the delay fine and order the office to accept the tuition fees only for the said period.
Your mos obedient pupil,
Abdul Baten
class: Nine
Science Group, Roll-05

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for increasing library facilities.

Date: 20 February 2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for enhancing / increasing library facilities.
Dear Sir,
We due honour I beg to state that we, the students of class ten of your Madrasah, have been suffering greatly for want of necessary books in the library. It is urgent to take fresh note on some subject but the number of books available in the Madrasah library in not enough for preparing notes.
I therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take steps to provide necessary books as early as possible.
Your most obedient pupil
Safiqul Alam
Class:Ten; Roll:05
On the behalf of the students of your Madrasah.

Question: Suppose, you are the students of Kumarkhali Islamia Madrasah. Most of the students of your madrasah are meritorious and talented. They take part in Co-curricular activities. For the absence of a debating club they cannot take part in debate competitions. Now write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for opening a debating clup in the Madrasah compound.

Date:25 March,2019
The Principal
Kumarkahli Islamia Madrasah.
Subject:Prayer for opening a debating club.
Dear Sir,
We beg to inform you that we need to have a debating club in our Madrasah. It will train us in the art of arguing reasonably and persuasively. It will develop our speaking power and skill in the use of elegant language. It will widen our horizon of knowledge. I n fact, a debating club in and unavoidable need of the time.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to open a debating club in our Madrasah immediately and oblige thereby.
Your most obdient pupils,
  1. Shihab Uddin
  2. Alauddin
  3. Tanbirul Alam
On the behalf of the students of
Kumarkhali Islamia Madrasah.

QuestionSuppose, you have to come to Madrasah crossing a big canal during the rainy season it creat a great problem for you to come to Madrasah. You want to have a bridge over the canal. Now, write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district/ U.P. Chairman to construct a bridge over the canal.
Date:21July 2020
The Chairman
Burischar Union Parishad
Subject:Prayer for construction of a culvert.
Dear Sir,
Burischar , Mohora Road, Which is connected with the Distric Parishad Road linking between mohora and kapti road, and all kinds of motor vehicles always ply along it. But it is affected by the flood every year and its repair takes a long time. Especially at the middle point of the road earth is washed away by every flood and there is a deep depression. It causes great difficulty to the people and vehicles using this road.
I would, therefore, request you to take necessary step tor the construction of a culvert at this point. I think it will be a permanent solution to a long-standing poblem. Measures taken in this respect will be highly appreciated by the people of this area.
Thanking you,
Yours cincerely
Abdul Halim
Village: Middle Burischar
Hathazari, Chattagram.

Question:Imagine that you have no tube-well in your locality. So, the people of the locality have to drink impure water which causes diseases. Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad requesting him to sanction a tube-well in your locality.

Date:27 March 2019
The Chairman
Dhakkamara Union Parishad
Dhakkamara, Panchagarh
Subject: Request for scnctioning a tube-well.
We, the inhabitants of Kazipara Area under your union, have long been suffering for lack of pure drinking water. As a high level region we have to collect impure water from rivers and canals. As a result, outbreak of cholera has become an annual affair in the village.
We, therefore, request you to kindly sanction a tube-well for the village immediately and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours
  1. Abdul Motaleb
  2. Badsha Meah
  3. Abdul Goni
On behalf of the villagers.

Question:Suppose, you an inhabitant of the village khalpara in magura Union in the district of Panchagarh. The road of your village has been damaged during the recent flood. Now, Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad for repairing the damaged roads of your locality.

Date:12 August 2019
The Chairman
Magura Union Parishad
Magura, Panchagarh
Subject: Request for repairing the damaged roads.
We, the inhabitants of Khalpara Area under your union, have long been suffering for road communication. Khalpara is a large village. About two thousand people live in this village. The recent flood caused great havoc to our village. It was fully flooded and the only bridge over the canal also heavily damaged. But the damaged bridge have not yet been repaired. As a result, our smooth communication is beign hampered.
It is, therefore, hoped that you would kindly visit our area and take effective steps to repair the bridge and mitigate our sufferings to some extent.
Yors faithfully
Sabbir Ahmen
On behalf of the suffering villagers.

Question:Write an application to the chairman of your Upa Zila Parishad to supply relief immediately to a flood affected area.

Date:22April, 2019
The Chairman,
Upa Zilla Parishad
Chowddagram Comilla.
Subject:Prayer for relief for the flood affected people.
I, on behalf of the people of Chowddgram, would like to draw your kind attention that our agriculture is fully under the influence of nature. You know during the last two months people of my locality faced terrible flood. The flood damaged all paddy in the fields. As a result, the people are suffering from serious crisis of food.
I, therefore, pray to you and hope that you would sanction sufficient of relief for immediately for our hungry people.
Yours faithfully
Tarekul Islam
Chowddagram, Comilla.

Question:Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for help from the poor fund.

Date:15 Febryart 2019
The principal
Dhaka Alia Madrasah
Subject: Prayer for help from the poor fund.
With due respect and humble submission, I beg to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration.
I lost my father at an early age. My elder brother, who is only two years older than I, can hardly maintain our large family of 8members by the small income of our landed property. It is impossible for him to bear my educational expenses. Unfortunately, I have not been granted a free studentship.
In the circumstances stated above, I fervently solicit the favour of your kindly granting me a regular stipend from the poor fund and thus enable me to continue my studies.
Your most obedient pupil,
Akarmul Hoque
Class Nine, Roll: 03
Please waite...............................Next

Strong and weak verbs

PresentMeaning (বাংলা)PastPast Participle
Go যাওয়া went gone
do করা did done
Drink পান করা drank drunk
Eat খাওয়া ate eaten
Give দেওয়া gave given
Drive চালানো drove driven
See দেখা saw seen
Apply প্রয়োগ বা আবেদন করা applied applied
Ask জিজ্ঞাসা করা asked asked
Awake জাগানো awoked awoken
Absent অনুপস্থিত থাকা absented absented
Abuse অপব্যবহার, তিরস্কার করা abused abused
Absorb শোষণ করা বা শুষে নেয়া absorbed absorbed
Act কাজ বা অভিনয় করা Acted Acted
Accuse অভিযুক্ত করা accused accused
Accept গ্রহণ করা accepted accepted
Achieve পাওয়া বা অর্জন করা achieved achieved
addict আসক্ত হওয়া addicted addicted
Adjust উপযোগী বা মানানসই adjusted adjusted
Add যোগ করা added added
Adopt অবলম্বন, গ্রহণ করা adopted adopted
Advise পরামর্শ/উপদেশ দেওয়া advised advised
Admit ভর্তি/প্রবেশ করা admitted admitted
Agree সম্মত হওয়া agreed agreed
Allot বন্টন করা allotted alotted
Allow অনুমতি দেওয়া allowed allowed
Appear উপস্থিত/আবির্ভূত হওয়া appeared appeared
Arrest গ্রেপ্তার করা arrested arrested
Arrive পৌছা, উপস্থিত হওয়া arrived arrived
Attack আক্রমণ করা attacked attacked
Attend উপস্থিত হওয়া attended attended
Bake রুটি সেঁকা baked baked
Bend নত হওয়া bent bent
Bring আনায়ন করা brought brought
Buy কেনা/ক্রয় করা bought bought
Blend মিশ্রিত করা blended blended
Behave আচরণ করা behaved behaved
Believe বিশ্বাস করা believed believed
Borrow ধার/ঋণ করা borrowed borrowed
Boil ফুটানো/সিদ্ধ করা boiled boiled
Bow মাথা নত করা bowed bowed
Breed জন্ম দেওয়া bred bred
Bury কবর দেওয়া,পোঁতা buried buried
Burn পোড়ানো, পোড়া burnt burnt
Call ডাকা called called
Carry বহন করা carried carried
Catch ধরা caught caught
Canvass ভোট প্রার্থনা করা canvassed canvassed
Cross অতিক্রম করা crossed crossed
Copy নকল করা copied copied
Cry চিৎকার/কান্না করা cried cried
Creep হামাগুড়ি দেওয়া crept crept
Cost খরচ / ব্যয় করা cost cost
Clothe কাপড় পরা clothed clothed, clad
Clap হাততালি দেয়া clapped clapped
Clean পরিস্কার করা cleaned cleaned
Climb আরোহণ করা বা চড়া climbed climbed
Cheat প্রতারণা করা/ঠকা cheated cheated
Change পরিবর্তন করা Changed Changed
Chew চর্বণ করা chewed chewed
Chat গল্প করা chatted chatted
Cover আবৃত করা, ঢাকা covered covered
Collect সংগ্রহ করা collected collected
Cook রান্না/পাক করা cooked cooked
Dry শুকানো dried dried
Die মারা যাওয়া died died
Dwell বাস করা dwelled dwelled
Dance নাচা, নৃত্য করা danced danced
Decide সিদ্ধান্ত নেয়া decided decided
Deal ব্যবসা করা dealt dealt
Dare সাহস করা dared dared
Dye রং করা dyed dyed
Divide ভাগ করা, ভিন্নমত করা divided divided
Doze ঝিমানো dozed dozed
Dream স্বপ্ন দেখা dreamt dreamt
Declare ঘোষণা করা declared declared
Defeat হারিয়ে দেয়া,পরাজিত করা defeated defeated
Demand চাওয়া, দাবি করা demanded demanded
Export রপ্তানি করা exported exported
feel অনুভব করা felt felt
Flee পলায়ন করা fled fled
Free মুক্ত করা freed freed
Fear ভয় করা feared feared
Feed খাওয়ানো fed fed
Fade মলিন হওয়া faded faded
Flow প্রবাহিত হওয়া flowed flowed
Found স্থাপন করা founded founded
Fell ভূ-পাতিত করা felled felled
Gain অর্জন করা gained gained
Happen ঘটা happened happened
Gather সংগ্রহ করা gathered gathered
Grant মঞ্জুর করা granted granted
gird বেষ্টিত করা girded girded
Guide পথ দেখানো guided guided
Guard পাহারা দেওয়া guarded guarded
Guess অনুমান করা guessed guessed
Hate ঘৃণা করা hated hated
Hit মারা, আঘাত করা hit hit
Help সাহায্য করা helped helped
Hear শোনা heard heard
Hew কর্তন করা, কাটা hewed hewed
Hurt আঘাত করা hurt hurt
Hoard জমা করা hoarded hoarded
Honour সম্মান করা honoured honoured
Hang ফাঁসিদেয়া hanged hanged
Import আমদানি করা imported imported
Jump লাফানো jumped jumped
Kill হত্যা করা killed killed
Knit বোনা, বুনন করা knitted knitted, knit
Keep রাখা kept kept
Knock ধাক্কা দেওয়া knocked knocked
Kneel জানু পেতে বসা knelt knelt
Lie মিথ্যা বলা lied lied
Lie শোয়া lay lain
Lay স্থাপনকরা, রাখা laid laid
Lash চাবুক মারা lashed slashed
Laugh হাসা laughed laughed
Lead পরিচালনা করা led led
Lend ধার দেওয়া lent lent
Leave ত্যাগ করা left left
Like পছন্দ করা liked liked
Light আলো জ্বালানো lighted , lit lighted
Listen মনোযোগ দিয়ে শোনা listened listened
Lean হেলাদ দেয়া leant leant, leaned
Let দেওয়া let let
Leap লাফানো leapt,leaped leaped
Load বোঝাই করা loaded loaded
Lose হারানো lost lost
Look তাকানো looked looked
Love ভালোবাসা loved loved
Lull সান্তনা দেওয়া lulled lulled
Learn শিক্ষা দেওয়া learnt learnt, learned
Make তৈরি করা made made
Manure সার দেওয়া manured manured
Meet সাক্ষাৎ করা met met
Melt গলানো melted melted
Mean বোঝানো meant meant
Mix মিশ্রিত করা, মিশানো mixed mixed
Mow ঘাস কাটা mowed mowed
Move নড়াচড়া করা moved moved
Nip চিমটাইয়া ধরা niped niped
Need প্রয়োজন/আবশ্যক হওয়া needed needed
Nod সম্মতিতে মাথা নাড়ানো nodded nodded
Obey মান্য করা obeyed obeyed
Object আপত্তি/প্রতিবাদ করা objected objected
occupy দখল করা occupied occupied
Open খোলা, উম্মুক্ত করা opened opened
Order আদেশ দেওয়া ordered ordered
Own নিজে দখল করা owned owned
Owe ঋণী হওয়া owed owed
Pass চলা, অতিক্রম করা passed passed
Pay প্রদান করা paid paid
Play খেলা করা played played
Pen লিখা pened pened
Perform সম্পাদন করা ferformed performed
Promise প্রতিজ্ঞা করা promised promised
Practise অভ্যাস করা pratised practised
Pull টানা pulled pulled
Pile স্তুপিকৃত করা piled piled
Pick কুড়িয়ে তোলা picked picked
Quit ছেড়ে যাওয়া quit quitted
Quarrel ঝগড়া করা quarrelled quarrelled
Rally সমবেত হওয়া rallied rallied
Rain বৃষ্টি হওয়া rined ranied
Rise উত্তোলন করা rised rised
Rend বিদীর্ণ করা rent rent
Read পড়া read read
Return ফেরত দেওয়া returned returned
Refer নির্দেশ করা referred referred
Receive গ্রহণ করা, পাওয়া received received
Reach পৌছা reached reached
Realise উপলব্ধি করা realised realised
React প্রতিক্রিয়া দেখানো reacted reacted
Release খালাস করা released released
Record তালিকাভুক্ত করা recorded recorded
Remove সরানো, দুর করা removed removed
Remember স্মরণ করা remembered remembered
Recognise চিনতে পারা recognised recognised
Reflect প্রতিফলিত করা reflected reflected
Rejoice আনন্দোৎসব করা rejoiced rejoiced
Reject প্রত্যাখ্যান করা rejected rejected
Require আবশ্যক হওয়া required required
Rub ঘর্ষণ করা rubbed rubbed
Rush ভির করা/ বেগে ধাবিত হওয়া rushed rushed
Ruin ধ্বংশ করা ruined riuned
Save রক্ষা করা saved saved
Say বলা said said
Sell বিক্রি করা sold sold
Sew সেলাই করা sewed sewed
Seek খোজ করা sought sought
Satisfy সন্তুস্ট করা satisfied satisfied
Secrete নিঃসৃত করা secreted secreted
Search অনুসন্ধান করা searched searched
Settle মীমাংসা করা settled settled
Show দেখানো showed showed
Shear কাচিঁ দিয়ে কাটা sheared sheared
Shoe জুতা পরা shod shod
Shave চুল কামানো shaved shaved
Scold তিরস্কার করা scolded scolded
Slit ফালি করে কাটা silt silt
Slip পা পিছলানো slipped slipped
Solve সমাধান করা Solved sloved
Sow বপন করা sowed sowed
Sleep ঘুমানো slept slept
Speed তাড়াতাড়ি চলা sped sped
Spell বানান করা spelt spelt
Spoil নষ্ট করা spoilt spoilt
Spend ব্যয় করা spent spent
Smell ঘ্রাণ নেয়া smelt smelt
Snatch ছিনিয়ে নেয়া snatched snatched
Starve অনাহারে থাকা starved starved
Struggle সংগ্রাম করা struggled struggled
Store জমা করা stored stored
Stay থাকা stayed stayed
Sweep ঝাড়ু দেওয়া swept swept
Swell ফুলে উঠা swelled swelled
Talk কথা বলা talked talked
Test পরীক্ষা করা tested tested
Tell বলা told told
Teach শিক্ষা দেওয়া taught taught
Tempt প্রলোভন দেয়া tempted tempted
Thrust ঠেলা দেয়া thrust thrust
Thank ধন্যবাদ দেয়া thanked thanked
Think চিন্তা করা thought thought
Throttle শ্বাসরুদ্ধ করা throttled throttled
Touch স্পর্শ করা touched touched
Try চেষ্টা করা tried tried
Train প্রশিক্ষণ দেয়া trained trained
Transfer স্থান পরিবর্তন করা transferred transferred
Transport পরিবহন করা transported transported
Urge সামনে যাওয়ার অনুরোধ করা urged urged
Utter উচ্চারণ করা uttered uttered
Utilize উপযোগী করা utilized utlized
Underline নিম্নে রেখা দেয়া underlined underlined
Value মূল্য দেয়া valued valued
Vary পার্থক্য করা varied varied
Vaporize বাষ্পে পরিণত করা vaporized vaporized
Vaccinate টিকা দেয়া vaccinated vaccinated
Vindicate সত্যতা প্রমাণ করা vindicated vindicated
Violate লঙ্ঘণ করা violated viloted
Want চাওয়া wanted wanted
Wash ধৌত করা washed washed
walk হাঁটা,ভ্রমণ করা walked walked
Wave নাড়া waved waved
Waste অপচয় করা wasted wasted
Wed বিবাহ করা wed wedded
Weep কাঁদা wept wept
Weigh ওজন করা weighed weighed
Whip চাবুক মারা whipped whipped
Whistle শিস দেয়া whistled whistled
Wish ইচ্ছা করা wished wished
work কাজ করা worked worked
Withe যন্ত্রণায় কাতরানো writhed writhed
Wrestle কুস্তি করা wrestled wrestled
Strike আঘাত করা struck strucken
Wander ঘুরে বেড়ানো wandered wantered

Some strong verbs present, past and past participle form are same. They are as lower form.

Verb Meaning Verb Meaning
Burst বিদীর্ণ হওয় Bet বাজি রাখা
Cast নিক্ষেপ করা Cost খরচ হওয়া
Cut কাটা Rid মুক্ত করা
Hurt ব্যাথা দেওয়া Read পড়া
Hit আঘাত করা Set স্থাপন করা
Let অনুমতি দেওয়া, ভাড়া দেওয়া Shut বন্ধ করা
Put রাখা Shed বর্ষণ করা
Split বিভক্ত করা Spread বিস্তার করা

Please wait........................

What is Future Continuous Tense?

Future Continuous Tense

Definition: কোন কাজ ভবিষ্যৎ কালে চলতে থাকবে বুঝালে বা এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Future Continuous Tense হয়।
Structure: Subject + shall be, will be (according to Number and person) + verb + ing + object + Extension.

1st Person:
I shall be drinking water.
We shall be reading newspaper on holiday.
2nd Person:
You will be teaching me English.
You will be digging a hole on the ground tomorrow.
3rd Person:
He/She/Rahim will be driving a car to school.
They will be swimming in the river tomorrow morning.
মাহিন বিদ্যালয়ে যেতে থাকবে। – Mahin will be going to school regularly.
রহমান তোমাকে সাহায্য করতে থাকবে। – Rahman will be helping you.
হামিদ তার শিক্ষকের কাছে থেকে পড়া শিখতে থাকবে। – Hamid will be learning lesson from his teachers.
আমি রাত্রে ঘুমাতে থাকব। – I shall be sleeping at night.
আমরা রাত্রে চাঁদ দেখতে থাকব। – We shall be seeing moon at night.
ছেলেরা মাঠে ফুটবল খেলতে থাকবে। – The boys will be playing football in the field.
মেয়েরা ওঠানে খেলতে থাকবে। – The girls will be playing in the yard.
পাখিরা সকালে আকাশে উড়তে থকাবে। – Birds will be flying in the sky in the morning.
দুলাল একটি কবিতা আবৃতি করতে থাকবে।– Dulal will be reciting a poem.
মিজান নদীর পাড়ে বেড়াতে থাকবে। – Mijan will be walking on the bank of river.
ঘোড়া ঘাস মাঠে খেতে থাকবে।– The horse will be eating grass in the field.
তারা লুডু খেলতে থাকবে। – They will be playing ludu.
আমরা বেড়াতে থাকব। – We shall be walking.
আমি তাকে সাহয্য করতে থাকব। – I shall be helping him.
আমি ইংরেজী শিখতে থাকব। – I shall be learning English.
আমি একটি গল্প পড়তে থাকব। – I shall be reading a story.
কামাল গাড়ি চালাতে থাকবে না।– Kamal will not be driving a car.
হাসান মাদরাসায় যেতে থাকবে না।– Hasan will not be going to madrasah.
রিয়াদ ধুমপান করতে থাকবে না।– Reyad will not be smoking.
হামিদা বাড়ি যেতে থাকবে না।– Hamida will not be going home.
আজ কি বৃষ্টি হতে থাকবে?- Will it be raining today?
জামাল কি মাছ ধরতে থাকবে?- Will Jamal be catching fish?
তিনি কি রুটি খেতে থাকবেন? – Will he be eating bread?
আমরা কি ভাত খেতে থাকব না? – Shall we not be eating rice?
হাবলু কি খেলতে থাকবে না? – Will Hablu not be playing?
গরু কি লাঙ্গল টানতে থাকবে? – Will the cow be drawing the plough?
সে কি চা পান করতে থাকবে? – Will he be drinking tea regularly?
হাসিব কি গান গাইতে থাকবে? – Will Hasib be singing a song?
Please waite...............................

Dialogue Writing

Dialogue: Write a dialogue between the headmaster and a student on class nine:
Student: May I come in, Sir?
Headmaster: Yes, come in. Who are you? How can I help you, my boy?
Student: I want to get myself admitted into your school.
Headmaster: What class do you want to admitted?
Student: In class nine.
Headmaster: What is you name?
Student: My name is Mamun.
Headmaster: What is your father?
Student: He is a clark of DC office.
Headmaster: Why do you seek for admission in my school.
Student: Because my father has recently been transferred in the district. He wishes to get myself admitted into your renowned school.
Headmaster: Do you have your progress repot?
Student: Yes, Sir. Here it is.
Headmaster: I see, You are a good student. Take this admission form. Come tomorrow at the same time after filling the form along with your transfer certificate.
Student: Thank you, sir.
Headmaster: You are welcome.

Dialogue: Write a dialogue between a patient and doctor:
Patient: May I come in, Sir?
Doctor: Yes, Sit down. What’s your problem?
Patient: I feel fever and tired all the time and cannot sleep well. I cannot read and write for a long time without getting dizzy. Sometimes I have bad headache.
Doctor: What is your name?
Patient: My name is Jamal.
Doctor: There seems to be nothing wrong with you, It’s a simle problem don’t worry, Jamal.
Patient: Then how is it that I don’t feel well?
Doctor: You don’t take exercise, do you?
Patient: Yes, I don’t.
Doctor: That is one of the reason for not feeling well.
Patient: Why is exercise necessary?
Doctor: Exercise is good for us many ways. It help our muscles and nerves to work properly. It help us to breathe more deeply and get more air into our lungs. It make us free form diseases.
Patient: If I take regular exercise, am I going to be all right?
Doctor: Not fully. You should have plenty of rest and sleep as well, but that’s not all. You should eat a balanced diet.
Patient: Thank you doctor for your good advice.
Doctor: Thank you Jamal. I wish your good health.

Dialogue: Write a dialogue between Habib and Kamal about the necessity of reading newspaper:
Habib: Hello Kamal, do you read any newspaper regularly?
Kamal: Yes, I read a newpaper regularly it is ‘The Independent’.
Habib:It’s nice. Do you think reading newspaper regularly is essential for us?
Kamal: Certainly. In fact, it is a storehouse of general knowledge.
Habib:Do you think newspaper plays any role in presenting the day to day world?
Kamal: Yes, I can learn about the current affairs of the world through the newspaper I read.
Habib: Then it certainly presents the news and views on world trade and commerce, game and sports etc.
Kamal: Yes you are right. These all are available in a newspaper.
Habib: Now, what is your suggestion for others regarding this?
Kamal: I just want to say that every student should read at least one newspaper daily.
Habib: Thank you very much.
Kamal: It’s ok. Thank you.

Dialogue: Write a dialogue between Mohshin and Mahmud about the importance of forest:
Mohshin: Hello Mahmud, How are you?
Mahmud: I’m fine, and you?
Mohshin: Well, what do you think about the importance of forest?
Mahmud: No doubt, it is very importance for us and our environment.
Mohshin: Would you please tell what is the role of forest regarding our wildlife?
Mahmud: Sure, Forest provide the living space for most of the world’s wildlife.
Mohshin: What’s their role regarding people?
Mahmud: The give people wood, vegetables amd fruits.
Mohshin: Do plants have any medical value for human beigns and animals?
Mahmud: Certainly, You may be astonished to hear that about forty five percent of World drugs come from plants, and it is also our main source of oxygen.
Mohshin: I learn new about forest.
Mahmud: So, We should save our forest for us and creat new forest for healthy environment.
Mohshin: Thank you very much for good information.
Mahmud: You’re welcome.

Question: Write a dialogue between you and Hasan about use of internet.

Myself: Hellow Hasan, How are you?
Hasan: I’m fine, and you?
Myself: I’m also fine. I have known you have got an internet connection with your laptop.
Hasan: Yes, Many days have passed since I got it.
Myself: What is internet? I don’t have any idea about it. Do you inform me.
Hasan: Suppose, you want to speak to a person in Canada, or to get information about the American. You can get the desired information with the help of internet.
Myself: Wow, Is it such a miracle?
Hasan: Yes, It is the latest miracle of science and technology.
Myself: Then we can make all communication all over the world with computer.
Hasan: Yes.
Myself: Very interesting indeed!I want to have an internet connection with my laptop. Would you help me in this matter?
Hasan: Cirtainly, why not?
Myself: Thank you. I shall come tomorrow.
Hasan: You are welcome.

What is Future Perfect Tense?

Future Perfect Tense

Definition: ভবিষ্যৎ কালে দুটি কাজের একটি আগে এবং আরেকটি পরে শেষ হবে এরুপ ভাব প্রকাশ করলে Verb-এর Future Perfect Tense হয়।
Structure: Subject + shall have, will have (according to Number and person) + Past participle form of Principal verb + object + before + present form + Extension.
1st Person:
I shall have helped my brother before you come home.
We shall have finished our work before you eat rice.
2nd Person:
You will have done the sum before the teacher comes in the class.
You will have sung a song before we come here.
3rd Person:
He/She/Rahim will have read the newspaper before I want.
They will have done the work before I go there.
জামাল বাজার গিয়ে থাকবে।– Jamal will have gone to the market.
তিনি কাজটি শেষ করে থাকবেন।– He will have finished the work.
বৃষ্টি আসার পুর্বে আমি স্কুলে পৌছে থাকব।- I shall have reached school before the rain come.
সূর্য উঠার পুর্বে আমরা রওয়ানা হয়ে থাকব।– We shall have started before the sun rises.
পরশুর মধ্যে আমরা কাজটি শেষ করে থাকব।– We shall have finished the work by the day after tomorrow.
ইতিমধ্যে তোমরা কাজটি করে থাকবে।– You will have done the work in the mean time.
Please waite...............................

What is Future Perfect Continuous Tense?

Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Definition: ভবিষ্যৎ কালে দুটি কাজের মধ্যে একটি কাজ হওয়ার পুর্বে অপর একটি কাজ পুর্ব হতে কিছুক্ষণ চলতে থাকবে এরুপ বুঝালে যে কাজটি চলতে থাকবে তার Verb-এর Future Perfect Continuous Tense হয়।
Structure: Subject + shall have been/will have been (according to Number and person) + verb + ing + object + before + present indefinite tesne + Extension.
1st Person:
I shall have been reading a book before he comes home.
We shall have been playing football in the fied before the bell rings.
2nd Person:
You will have been helping the man before we reach here.
You will have been doing the sum before you go to school for 2 years.
3rd Person:
He/She/Rahim will have been drawing a picture before he eats rice.
They shall have been living in the village before you return from America.
আমি এই গ্রাম ত্যাগ করার পুর্বে এ মাদরাসায় চার বৎসর পড়তে থাকব।– I shall have been reading in this Madrasah for four years before leave this village.
আহমদ আসার পুর্বে পর্যন্ত আমি পড়া শিখতে থাকব।– I shall have been learning lesson before Ahmad comes.
স্কুল ছুটির আগে ছাত্রগণ কমনরুমে খেলতে থাকবে।– The students will have been playing before the school breaks up.
আমার খাবার পুর্ব পর্যন্ত তারা খেলতে থাকবে।– They will have been playing before I eat.
শিক্ষক আসার পুর্ব পর্যন্ত আমি লিখতে থাকব। _ I shall have been writing before teacher comes.

Please waite...............................

Applications and its rules

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah seeking permission to go on a study tour.

Date: 20.02.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject: Application for permission to go on a study tour.
Dear Sir,
With great honour, we would like to state that we are the students of your Madrasah and wish to go on a study tour to Saint Martin Island and Bandarban. This visit may take 4 days and cost 3000 taka each. We seek your kind permission and financial support as well.
Therefore,we hope and pray that you would be kind enough to give us kind permission to on the tour and assist us with your own participantion and ther teachers as well for an enjouable journey.
Your most obedient pupil
Rahimullah Hasnain
On the behalf of the students
Class:Ten; Roll No:01

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for a half holiday to withness a friendship football match.

Date: 12.05.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for permission for a friendly football match.
Dear Sir,
We the students of your Madrasah most respectfully state that we want to arrange a friendly football match with Sipatoli Kamil Madrasah this afternoon. Our game teacher has taken the responsibilites to conduct the match. This match would be helpful to develop friendship among us.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us for a friendly football match to develop freindship among us.
Obediently yours,
Kamal Hossain
On behalf of the students of
BZUM Fazil Madrasha
Hathazari, Chattagram.

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for remission fo fine for late payment.

Date: 10.06.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for rermission of delay fine.
Dear Sir,
With due honour, I wish to draw your kind notice that I have been a regular student of your Madrasah since I got myself admitted in class 7. I use to pay the monthly fees in time. But my father had been ill for some days and my mother could not manage the monthly fees for me. So, I faild to pay my tuition fees of the current month on the due date. Today is the last date of payment. I want to pay the fees only.
I therefor, pray that you would be kind enough to remit the delay fine and order the office to accept the tuition fees only for the said period.
Your mos obedient pupil,
Abdul Baten
class: Nine
Science Group, Roll-05

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for increasing library facilities.

Date: 20 February 2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for enhancing / increasing library facilities.
Dear Sir,
We due honour I beg to state that we, the students of class ten of your Madrasah, have been suffering greatly for want of necessary books in the library. It is urgent to take fresh note on some subject but the number of books available in the Madrasah library in not enough for preparing notes.
I therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take steps to provide necessary books as early as possible.
Your most obedient pupil
Safiqul Alam
Class:Ten; Roll:05
On the behalf of the students of your Madrasah.

Question: Suppose, you are the students of Kumarkhali Islamia Madrasah. Most of the students of your madrasah are meritorious and talented. They take part in Co-curricular activities. For the absence of a debating club they cannot take part in debate competitions. Now write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for opening a debating clup in the Madrasah compound.

Date:25 March,2019
The Principal
Kumarkahli Islamia Madrasah.
Subject:Prayer for opening a debating club.
Dear Sir,
We beg to inform you that we need to have a debating club in our Madrasah. It will train us in the art of arguing reasonably and persuasively. It will develop our speaking power and skill in the use of elegant language. It will widen our horizon of knowledge. I n fact, a debating club in and unavoidable need of the time.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to open a debating club in our Madrasah immediately and oblige thereby.
Your most obdient pupils,
  1. Shihab Uddin
  2. Alauddin
  3. Tanbirul Alam
On the behalf of the students of
Kumarkhali Islamia Madrasah.

QuestionSuppose, you have to come to Madrasah crossing a big canal during the rainy season it creat a great problem for you to come to Madrasah. You want to have a bridge over the canal. Now, write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district/ U.P. Chairman to construct a bridge over the canal.
Date:21July 2020
The Chairman
Burischar Union Parishad
Subject:Prayer for construction of a culvert.
Dear Sir,
Burischar , Mohora Road, Which is connected with the Distric Parishad Road linking between mohora and kapti road, and all kinds of motor vehicles always ply along it. But it is affected by the flood every year and its repair takes a long time. Especially at the middle point of the road earth is washed away by every flood and there is a deep depression. It causes great difficulty to the people and vehicles using this road.
I would, therefore, request you to take necessary step tor the construction of a culvert at this point. I think it will be a permanent solution to a long-standing poblem. Measures taken in this respect will be highly appreciated by the people of this area.
Thanking you,
Yours cincerely
Abdul Halim
Village: Middle Burischar
Hathazari, Chattagram.

Question:Imagine that you have no tube-well in your locality. So, the people of the locality have to drink impure water which causes diseases. Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad requesting him to sanction a tube-well in your locality.

Date:27 March 2019
The Chairman
Dhakkamara Union Parishad
Dhakkamara, Panchagarh
Subject: Request for scnctioning a tube-well.
We, the inhabitants of Kazipara Area under your union, have long been suffering for lack of pure drinking water. As a high level region we have to collect impure water from rivers and canals. As a result, outbreak of cholera has become an annual affair in the village.
We, therefore, request you to kindly sanction a tube-well for the village immediately and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours
  1. Abdul Motaleb
  2. Badsha Meah
  3. Abdul Goni
On behalf of the villagers.

Question:Suppose, you an inhabitant of the village khalpara in magura Union in the district of Panchagarh. The road of your village has been damaged during the recent flood. Now, Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad for repairing the damaged roads of your locality.

Date:12 August 2019
The Chairman
Magura Union Parishad
Magura, Panchagarh
Subject: Request for repairing the damaged roads.
We, the inhabitants of Khalpara Area under your union, have long been suffering for road communication. Khalpara is a large village. About two thousand people live in this village. The recent flood caused great havoc to our village. It was fully flooded and the only bridge over the canal also heavily damaged. But the damaged bridge have not yet been repaired. As a result, our smooth communication is beign hampered.
It is, therefore, hoped that you would kindly visit our area and take effective steps to repair the bridge and mitigate our sufferings to some extent.
Yors faithfully
Sabbir Ahmen
On behalf of the suffering villagers.

Question:Write an application to the chairman of your Upa Zila Parishad to supply relief immediately to a flood affected area.

Date:22April, 2019
The Chairman,
Upa Zilla Parishad
Chowddagram Comilla.
Subject:Prayer for relief for the flood affected people.
I, on behalf of the people of Chowddgram, would like to draw your kind attention that our agriculture is fully under the influence of nature. You know during the last two months people of my locality faced terrible flood. The flood damaged all paddy in the fields. As a result, the people are suffering from serious crisis of food.
I, therefore, pray to you and hope that you would sanction sufficient of relief for immediately for our hungry people.
Yours faithfully
Tarekul Islam
Chowddagram, Comilla.

Question:Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for help from the poor fund.

Date:15 Febryart 2019
The principal
Dhaka Alia Madrasah
Subject: Prayer for help from the poor fund.
With due respect and humble submission, I beg to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration.
I lost my father at an early age. My elder brother, who is only two years older than I, can hardly maintain our large family of 8members by the small income of our landed property. It is impossible for him to bear my educational expenses. Unfortunately, I have not been granted a free studentship.
In the circumstances stated above, I fervently solicit the favour of your kindly granting me a regular stipend from the poor fund and thus enable me to continue my studies.
Your most obedient pupil,
Akarmul Hoque
Class Nine, Roll: 03
Please waite...............................Next

Mathematicals formula and its uses

.Some Useful Formula for All Classes..
Written by:
Mohammod Tofazzal Hossan,
Magura, Panchagarh
1. (a+b)2= a2+2ab+b2
Proof: (a+b)2
=4x2+12xy+9y2 Ans.
2. (a-b)2= a2-2ab+b2
Proof: (a-b)2
3. a2+b2= (a+b)2-2ab
= a2+b2
4. a2-b2= (a+b)(a-b)
= a2-b2
5. 2(a2+b2)= (a+b)2+(a-b)2
6. (a+b)2= (a-b)2+4ab
Proof: (a-b)2+4ab
7. (a+b)3= a3+3a2b+3ab2+b3
Proof: (a+b)3
8. (a-b)3= a3-3a2b+3ab2-b3
Proof: (a-b)3
9. a3+b3=(a+b)3-3ab(a+b)
Proof: (a+b)3-3ab(a+b)
= a3+b3
10. a3-b3=(a-b)3+3ab(a-b)
Proof: (a-b)3+3ab(a-b)
= a3-b3

Mathematical Problems solved:
Problem-1. Analyze the product: (a3+8)
(a3 + 8)
= (a)3 + (2)3
= ( a + 2){(a)2 - a .2 + (2) 2}
=(a + b)(a2 - 2a + 4)
Ans: ( a + b)(a2 - 2a + 4)

Problem-2. Analyze the product: (8x3 + 343)
(8x3 + 343)
= (2x)3 + (7) 3
= (2x + 7){(2x)2 - 2x . 7 + (7) 2}
= (2x + 7)(4x2 - 14x + 49)
Ans: (2x + 7)(4x2 - 14x + 49)

Problem-3. Analyze the product: (8a4 + 27ab3)
(8a4 + 27ab3)
=a(8a3 + 27b3)[ a এর কারণে সূত্র প্রয়োগ করা যায় না]
=a{ (2a)3 + (3b) 3}
=a(2a + 3b){(2a)2 - 2a . 3b + (3b) 2}
= a(2a + 3b)(4a2 - 6ab + 9b2)
Ans: a(2a + 3b)(4a2 - 6ab + 9b2)

Problem-4. Analyze the product: (8x3 +1)
(8x3 + 1)
=(8x3 + 13)
= (2a)3 + (1) 3}
=(2x + 1){(2x)2 - 2x . 1 + (1) 2}
= (2x + 1)(4x2 - 2x + 1)
Ans: (2x + 1)(4a2 - 2x + 1)

Problem-5. Analyze the product: (64a3 - 125b3)
(64a3 - 125b3)
=(4a)3 - (5b) 3
=(4a - 5b){(4a)2 + 4a . 5b + (5b) 2}
= (4a - 5b)(16a2 + 20ab + 25b2)
Ans: (4a - 5b)(16a2 + 20ab + 25b2)

Problem-6. Analyze the product: (56x3 - 189y3)
(56x3 - 189y3)
=7(8x3 - 27y3)[ 7 এর কারণে সূত্র প্রয়োগ করা যায় না]
=7{(2x)3 - (3y) 3}
=7(2x - 3y){(2x)2 + 2x . 3y + (3y) 2}
= 7(2x - 3y)(4x2 + 6xy + 9y2)
Ans: 7(2x - 3y)(4x2 + 6xy + 9y2)
Problem-7. Analyze the product: (a2 - 2ab + b2 - p2)
(a2 - 2ab + b2 - p2)
=(a)2 - 2.a.b + (b)2 - (p)2)
=(a - b)2 - (p)2) [ বর্গমূল করা হয়েছে ]
={(a - b) + (p)}{(a - b) - (p)} [ a2 - b2 সূত্র প্রয়োগ করা হয়েছে ]
=(a - b + p)(a - b - p)
Ans: =(a - b + p)(a - b - p)
Problem-8. Analyze the product: (a2 - 2ab + 2b - 1)
(a2 - 2ab + 2b - 1)
= (a2- 1 - 2ab + 2b )
= (a2- 12 - 2b(a - 1)
= (a + 1)(a - 1) - 2b(a - 1)
= (a - 1)(a + 1 - 2b) [ সাধারণ গুণনীয়ক নেয়া হয়েছে ]
= (a - 1)(a - 2b + 1 )
Ans: (a - 1)(a - 2b + 1 )
Problem-9. Analyze the product: (x4 - 2x2 + 1)
(x4 - 2x2 + 1)
= (x2)2 - 2 . x2 . 1 + 12)
= (x2 - 1)2
= {(x + 1)(x - 1)}2
Ans: {(x + 1)(x - 1)}2
Problem-9. Analyze the product: (x4 - 2x2 + 1)
(x4 - 2x2 + 1)
= (x2)2 - 2 . x2 . 1 + 12)
= (x2 - 1)2
= {(x + 1)(x - 1)}2
Ans: {(x + 1)(x - 1)}2
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Paragraph and its rules

How to open a Bank Account
If you want to open an account with a bank, first go to a bank and tell the manager that you want to open an account with the bank. The manager will supply you with a form and give you some instructions to fill up the form. Next, try to be introduced by some account holder of the same bank. The introducer will put his signature on the form and give his address and his account number in a particula part of your application form. Then attach two passport size photographs duly attested by the introducer. After that put your specimen signature on the singnature card, which you will use to operate your account. Completing all these formalities, finally deposit some amount of money on your account number with the bank. This is how to open an account with a bank.

How to prepare a cou of tea
All people in the world like to drink tea. So, they need to prepare it. But most of them do not know how to make a cup of tea. It is easy to prepare a cup of tea. First boil a cup of water in a pot. When it has boiled for a little while, put one tea-spoonful of tea-leaf of tea-dust in it and contiue to boil for a little more. Then put the liquor in a tea-cup throught a strainer. Then add one or two spoonfuls of sugar and one or two spoonful of milk, and the tea is prepared. But there may be varieties of tea for varieties of tast. Some may prefer tea without milk or sugar or may take them in different proportions. Some may add a little lemon juice to liquor instead of sugar and milk. Some may have strong liquor or light. Some would have saccharine instead of sugar for health reason. However, it generally takes five to ten minutes to prepare a cup of tea.

How to lean English
In order to learn English, we have to develop some language skills. These are listening, speaking, reading and writing. We must practice these skills. To paractise listening skill, we have to listen to English discussion and programmes, we have to listen to radio and TV. Programmes and news in English. We have to practise all the skills in the class with the help of the subject teacher. In the class, the stuedents should speak English to one-another and learn speaking. We can speak aloud to ourselves while we are alone. We have to read our lesson regularly and write them. We have to parctise freehand writing on any topic. For this purpose, we have to lean words, their meanings, the basic rules of grammar and sentence patterns. At the same time, we have to use the word and sentences in our practical life. If we practise in this way we can learn English.

How to take preparation for an Examination
All the students needs preparation for any examination. To take preparation for the examination, you have to work hard. Make your lessons according to your syllabus. It is better to make lesson according to the daily routine. Choose all the probable and important questions and prepare notes accordingly. But is good to start reading attentively from the very beginning of the year. Read, learn and then write whatever answer you prepare. Do not memorise any lesson without uderstanding it. Learning by writng is easy and it is also easy to memorise a lesson by writing. So learn and write, then write and learn. In order to keep the lesson in memory, revise the course. To remove the fear of examination, practice some of sort of tests to assess you progress and preparation.

How to keep fit
Health is wealth. Everybody want live healthy. In order to keep fit you have to follow the rules of heath. You cannot keep fit without eating balanced diet. Along with a balanced diet you ensure sound sleep and proper rest. Avoid mental anxieties. Physical exericise is also esential for all to keep fit. Another essential thing in good food. Avoin unhygienic food or any kind of stale food. Over eating causes indigestion. So don’t over eat. Take food in time. Give up any kind of bad habit or addiction. In order to keep fit mentally, control your emotions and accept the reality. Avoid rension and always take care of health. Never take medicine without consulting a doctor because it is dengerous. Always bear in mind that the best way to keep fit is to follow the rules of health and it does not have any alternative.

How to Make a Garden
Hasan is my younger brother. He wants to make a garden himself by the help some of his friend in the madrasah yard. Now, he reads in class eight in a Madrasah. He did not know how to make a garden. Now I am giving him some instruction on how to make a garden. Firstly, he has to find out a suitable piece of land in order to make a garden. Then loose the soil with spade, break the soil into small pieces and level the ground by a leveller. At this time the gorund of the garden will be ready for sowing seeds and planting. Plant the sedd and put manure in the soil. Next. Put a fence around the garden so that cattle even the children can not damage the garden. After that, when the seedling grow make special care of the garden and water the young plant. Seeds-beds have to be made for various seasonal flowers. He can make a vegetable garden beside it. Finally, he has to be more concious especially in taking preventive measures due to control the attacks of diseases of the flower and plants. Thus he will be able to make a garden.

Boishakhi Mela
Baishakhi Mela is one of the major festovals of the people speaking Bangla and a symble of Bangladeshi traditional culture. It is presumed that it was started about 600 years ago during Emperor Akbar’s reign. On this occasion fairs used to organized there. In due course the occasion became a part of domestic and social life, and turned into a day of merriment. Boishakhi Melas are arranged in almost all parts of the country. It is also organinsed in some parts of India. Though Boishakhi Melas are organised in planned way in almost all cities of the country, originally they are most vibrant in rural areas. Various agricultural products, traditional handicrafts, hand-made cakes, special kinds of food stuffs, sweet, petteries, bangles, pitchers and cane products are the main exhibits in such a mela. Toys, commetics as well as various kinds of food and sweets are sold at the fairs. The fairs also provide entertainment with singers and dancers staging Jatra, Pala gan, Jari gan, Gambhira gan Gazir gan, and alkap gan. Artists presents folk songs as well as Baul, Marfati, Murshidi and Bahtiali songs. People of all walks of life visit the mela wearing traditional dresses. The melas add new taste to the day. The Boishakhi Mela is an ancient form of Bengali folk festival that continues to thrive in the modern age. It continues for three days, one week or even as long as month.
Please waite...............................

E-mails and its rules

Write an e-mail to your firend abour your preraration for the Dahkil Examination.

From :shahin12@gmail.com
To :jahedh@yahoo.com
Sent :Sturday, March 15, 2018; 4.00pm
Subject :About preparation for the Dakhil Examinaion
Dear Jahed
You know our Dakhil Examination will be held in the next month. Being a student of science group, I have paid a very little attention to English. I am lagging behind in this subject. So, I am urgently in need of a suggestion on the subject from you and the preparation of the other subject are very well. It will be a matter of high appreciation if you send me it by using my e-mail address.

Suppose, one of your friends borrowed a book from you. Sent a message to him through e-mail to return your book.

From: Jahir@hotmail.com
To :Jashim78@gmail.com
Sent:Thursday, January-29, 2019;2.45pm
Subject: Request to return a book.
Dear Jashim,
It’s a pretty long time you borrowed a book entitled “ A book of English Grammar and composition” from me, but you have not yet returned it to me. Perhaps you have forgot to return it. However, in the next month, I’ll have to sit for the annual examination. So, I am badly in need of the book. Please return it without delay.
Thanking You
Jahirul Alam.

Suppose your examination is near, but your preparation on math is not good. Request your friend through e-mail to help you by sending suggestion on this subject.

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2019; 4.00am
Subject: Request for sent a suggestion.
Dear Abu,
You know our test examination will be held in the next month. Being a student of science group, I have paid a very little attention to Math. I am lagging behind in this subject. So, I am urgently in need of a suggestion on the said subject from you. It will be a matter of high application it you send it by suing my e-mail address.
Thanking you
Samsul Alam

Suppose your younger brother studied in a university. Sent a letter of advice to him by using his e-mail address to be regular in his studies.

From: hasanali@gmail.com
To: haydarkabir@hotmail.com
sent: Monday, May 22, 2018; 4.40am
Subject: To be regular in studies.
Dear Haydar,
Best wishes to you. Hope you are quite well. I have learnt from a reliable source that you have recently become a bit inattentive to your studies. It is also reported that you spend so much time in loitering with some bad friends. What can be more distressing to me than this? You should know that life is not a bed of roses. It is a constant struggle against all odds. The proveb goes “ As you sow, so you reap.” This is the seed time of your life. You will be get harvest in proportion to the care you take of your land. Proper education and formation of character can only lead you to succeed in life. There is no alternative to it. I would henceforth want to hear that you have sunned all your summer friends and have become cautious as to your future. You know, Fahter will be greatly shocked if he hears it. However, I hope you would follow my advice and act accordingly.
No more today. Send a reply soon. I shall meet you shortly. With best affection and love.
Your Brother
Rayhan Talukdar
Please waite...............................

শিশুর জ্ঞান বিকাশ

  শিশুর জ্ঞান বিকাশ একটি শিশুর ভুমিষ্ট হওয়ার পর থেকেই শুরু হয় তার শিক্ষা জীবন। তার প্রতিটি অঙ্গের সঞ্চালনে রয়েছে শিক্ষা। সুস্থ, স্বাভাবি...