সোমবার, ২২ আগস্ট, ২০২২

Applications and its rules

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah seeking permission to go on a study tour.

Date: 20.02.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject: Application for permission to go on a study tour.
Dear Sir,
With great honour, we would like to state that we are the students of your Madrasah and wish to go on a study tour to Saint Martin Island and Bandarban. This visit may take 4 days and cost 3000 taka each. We seek your kind permission and financial support as well.
Therefore,we hope and pray that you would be kind enough to give us kind permission to on the tour and assist us with your own participantion and ther teachers as well for an enjouable journey.
Your most obedient pupil
Rahimullah Hasnain
On the behalf of the students
Class:Ten; Roll No:01

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for a half holiday to withness a friendship football match.

Date: 12.05.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for permission for a friendly football match.
Dear Sir,
We the students of your Madrasah most respectfully state that we want to arrange a friendly football match with Sipatoli Kamil Madrasah this afternoon. Our game teacher has taken the responsibilites to conduct the match. This match would be helpful to develop friendship among us.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us for a friendly football match to develop freindship among us.
Obediently yours,
Kamal Hossain
On behalf of the students of
BZUM Fazil Madrasha
Hathazari, Chattagram.

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for remission fo fine for late payment.

Date: 10.06.2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for rermission of delay fine.
Dear Sir,
With due honour, I wish to draw your kind notice that I have been a regular student of your Madrasah since I got myself admitted in class 7. I use to pay the monthly fees in time. But my father had been ill for some days and my mother could not manage the monthly fees for me. So, I faild to pay my tuition fees of the current month on the due date. Today is the last date of payment. I want to pay the fees only.
I therefor, pray that you would be kind enough to remit the delay fine and order the office to accept the tuition fees only for the said period.
Your mos obedient pupil,
Abdul Baten
class: Nine
Science Group, Roll-05

Question: Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for increasing library facilities.

Date: 20 February 2020.
The Principal
BZUM Madrasah
Hathazari, Chattagram.
Subject:Prayer for enhancing / increasing library facilities.
Dear Sir,
We due honour I beg to state that we, the students of class ten of your Madrasah, have been suffering greatly for want of necessary books in the library. It is urgent to take fresh note on some subject but the number of books available in the Madrasah library in not enough for preparing notes.
I therefore, pray and hope that you would kindly take steps to provide necessary books as early as possible.
Your most obedient pupil
Safiqul Alam
Class:Ten; Roll:05
On the behalf of the students of your Madrasah.

Question: Suppose, you are the students of Kumarkhali Islamia Madrasah. Most of the students of your madrasah are meritorious and talented. They take part in Co-curricular activities. For the absence of a debating club they cannot take part in debate competitions. Now write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for opening a debating clup in the Madrasah compound.

Date:25 March,2019
The Principal
Kumarkahli Islamia Madrasah.
Subject:Prayer for opening a debating club.
Dear Sir,
We beg to inform you that we need to have a debating club in our Madrasah. It will train us in the art of arguing reasonably and persuasively. It will develop our speaking power and skill in the use of elegant language. It will widen our horizon of knowledge. I n fact, a debating club in and unavoidable need of the time.
We, therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to open a debating club in our Madrasah immediately and oblige thereby.
Your most obdient pupils,
  1. Shihab Uddin
  2. Alauddin
  3. Tanbirul Alam
On the behalf of the students of
Kumarkhali Islamia Madrasah.

QuestionSuppose, you have to come to Madrasah crossing a big canal during the rainy season it creat a great problem for you to come to Madrasah. You want to have a bridge over the canal. Now, write an application to the Deputy Commissioner of your district/ U.P. Chairman to construct a bridge over the canal.
Date:21July 2020
The Chairman
Burischar Union Parishad
Subject:Prayer for construction of a culvert.
Dear Sir,
Burischar , Mohora Road, Which is connected with the Distric Parishad Road linking between mohora and kapti road, and all kinds of motor vehicles always ply along it. But it is affected by the flood every year and its repair takes a long time. Especially at the middle point of the road earth is washed away by every flood and there is a deep depression. It causes great difficulty to the people and vehicles using this road.
I would, therefore, request you to take necessary step tor the construction of a culvert at this point. I think it will be a permanent solution to a long-standing poblem. Measures taken in this respect will be highly appreciated by the people of this area.
Thanking you,
Yours cincerely
Abdul Halim
Village: Middle Burischar
Hathazari, Chattagram.

Question:Imagine that you have no tube-well in your locality. So, the people of the locality have to drink impure water which causes diseases. Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad requesting him to sanction a tube-well in your locality.

Date:27 March 2019
The Chairman
Dhakkamara Union Parishad
Dhakkamara, Panchagarh
Subject: Request for scnctioning a tube-well.
We, the inhabitants of Kazipara Area under your union, have long been suffering for lack of pure drinking water. As a high level region we have to collect impure water from rivers and canals. As a result, outbreak of cholera has become an annual affair in the village.
We, therefore, request you to kindly sanction a tube-well for the village immediately and oblige thereby.
Sincerely yours
  1. Abdul Motaleb
  2. Badsha Meah
  3. Abdul Goni
On behalf of the villagers.

Question:Suppose, you an inhabitant of the village khalpara in magura Union in the district of Panchagarh. The road of your village has been damaged during the recent flood. Now, Write an application to the chairman of your Union Parishad for repairing the damaged roads of your locality.

Date:12 August 2019
The Chairman
Magura Union Parishad
Magura, Panchagarh
Subject: Request for repairing the damaged roads.
We, the inhabitants of Khalpara Area under your union, have long been suffering for road communication. Khalpara is a large village. About two thousand people live in this village. The recent flood caused great havoc to our village. It was fully flooded and the only bridge over the canal also heavily damaged. But the damaged bridge have not yet been repaired. As a result, our smooth communication is beign hampered.
It is, therefore, hoped that you would kindly visit our area and take effective steps to repair the bridge and mitigate our sufferings to some extent.
Yors faithfully
Sabbir Ahmen
On behalf of the suffering villagers.

Question:Write an application to the chairman of your Upa Zila Parishad to supply relief immediately to a flood affected area.

Date:22April, 2019
The Chairman,
Upa Zilla Parishad
Chowddagram Comilla.
Subject:Prayer for relief for the flood affected people.
I, on behalf of the people of Chowddgram, would like to draw your kind attention that our agriculture is fully under the influence of nature. You know during the last two months people of my locality faced terrible flood. The flood damaged all paddy in the fields. As a result, the people are suffering from serious crisis of food.
I, therefore, pray to you and hope that you would sanction sufficient of relief for immediately for our hungry people.
Yours faithfully
Tarekul Islam
Chowddagram, Comilla.

Question:Write an application to the principal of your Madrasah for help from the poor fund.

Date:15 Febryart 2019
The principal
Dhaka Alia Madrasah
Subject: Prayer for help from the poor fund.
With due respect and humble submission, I beg to lay before you the following facts for your kind consideration.
I lost my father at an early age. My elder brother, who is only two years older than I, can hardly maintain our large family of 8members by the small income of our landed property. It is impossible for him to bear my educational expenses. Unfortunately, I have not been granted a free studentship.
In the circumstances stated above, I fervently solicit the favour of your kindly granting me a regular stipend from the poor fund and thus enable me to continue my studies.
Your most obedient pupil,
Akarmul Hoque
Class Nine, Roll: 03
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