সোমবার, ২২ আগস্ট, ২০২২

E-mails and its rules

Write an e-mail to your firend abour your preraration for the Dahkil Examination.

From :shahin12@gmail.com
To :jahedh@yahoo.com
Sent :Sturday, March 15, 2018; 4.00pm
Subject :About preparation for the Dakhil Examinaion
Dear Jahed
You know our Dakhil Examination will be held in the next month. Being a student of science group, I have paid a very little attention to English. I am lagging behind in this subject. So, I am urgently in need of a suggestion on the subject from you and the preparation of the other subject are very well. It will be a matter of high appreciation if you send me it by using my e-mail address.

Suppose, one of your friends borrowed a book from you. Sent a message to him through e-mail to return your book.

From: Jahir@hotmail.com
To :Jashim78@gmail.com
Sent:Thursday, January-29, 2019;2.45pm
Subject: Request to return a book.
Dear Jashim,
It’s a pretty long time you borrowed a book entitled “ A book of English Grammar and composition” from me, but you have not yet returned it to me. Perhaps you have forgot to return it. However, in the next month, I’ll have to sit for the annual examination. So, I am badly in need of the book. Please return it without delay.
Thanking You
Jahirul Alam.

Suppose your examination is near, but your preparation on math is not good. Request your friend through e-mail to help you by sending suggestion on this subject.

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2019; 4.00am
Subject: Request for sent a suggestion.
Dear Abu,
You know our test examination will be held in the next month. Being a student of science group, I have paid a very little attention to Math. I am lagging behind in this subject. So, I am urgently in need of a suggestion on the said subject from you. It will be a matter of high application it you send it by suing my e-mail address.
Thanking you
Samsul Alam

Suppose your younger brother studied in a university. Sent a letter of advice to him by using his e-mail address to be regular in his studies.

From: hasanali@gmail.com
To: haydarkabir@hotmail.com
sent: Monday, May 22, 2018; 4.40am
Subject: To be regular in studies.
Dear Haydar,
Best wishes to you. Hope you are quite well. I have learnt from a reliable source that you have recently become a bit inattentive to your studies. It is also reported that you spend so much time in loitering with some bad friends. What can be more distressing to me than this? You should know that life is not a bed of roses. It is a constant struggle against all odds. The proveb goes “ As you sow, so you reap.” This is the seed time of your life. You will be get harvest in proportion to the care you take of your land. Proper education and formation of character can only lead you to succeed in life. There is no alternative to it. I would henceforth want to hear that you have sunned all your summer friends and have become cautious as to your future. You know, Fahter will be greatly shocked if he hears it. However, I hope you would follow my advice and act accordingly.
No more today. Send a reply soon. I shall meet you shortly. With best affection and love.
Your Brother
Rayhan Talukdar
Please waite...............................

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