সোমবার, ২২ আগস্ট, ২০২২

Paragraph and its rules

How to open a Bank Account
If you want to open an account with a bank, first go to a bank and tell the manager that you want to open an account with the bank. The manager will supply you with a form and give you some instructions to fill up the form. Next, try to be introduced by some account holder of the same bank. The introducer will put his signature on the form and give his address and his account number in a particula part of your application form. Then attach two passport size photographs duly attested by the introducer. After that put your specimen signature on the singnature card, which you will use to operate your account. Completing all these formalities, finally deposit some amount of money on your account number with the bank. This is how to open an account with a bank.

How to prepare a cou of tea
All people in the world like to drink tea. So, they need to prepare it. But most of them do not know how to make a cup of tea. It is easy to prepare a cup of tea. First boil a cup of water in a pot. When it has boiled for a little while, put one tea-spoonful of tea-leaf of tea-dust in it and contiue to boil for a little more. Then put the liquor in a tea-cup throught a strainer. Then add one or two spoonfuls of sugar and one or two spoonful of milk, and the tea is prepared. But there may be varieties of tea for varieties of tast. Some may prefer tea without milk or sugar or may take them in different proportions. Some may add a little lemon juice to liquor instead of sugar and milk. Some may have strong liquor or light. Some would have saccharine instead of sugar for health reason. However, it generally takes five to ten minutes to prepare a cup of tea.

How to lean English
In order to learn English, we have to develop some language skills. These are listening, speaking, reading and writing. We must practice these skills. To paractise listening skill, we have to listen to English discussion and programmes, we have to listen to radio and TV. Programmes and news in English. We have to practise all the skills in the class with the help of the subject teacher. In the class, the stuedents should speak English to one-another and learn speaking. We can speak aloud to ourselves while we are alone. We have to read our lesson regularly and write them. We have to parctise freehand writing on any topic. For this purpose, we have to lean words, their meanings, the basic rules of grammar and sentence patterns. At the same time, we have to use the word and sentences in our practical life. If we practise in this way we can learn English.

How to take preparation for an Examination
All the students needs preparation for any examination. To take preparation for the examination, you have to work hard. Make your lessons according to your syllabus. It is better to make lesson according to the daily routine. Choose all the probable and important questions and prepare notes accordingly. But is good to start reading attentively from the very beginning of the year. Read, learn and then write whatever answer you prepare. Do not memorise any lesson without uderstanding it. Learning by writng is easy and it is also easy to memorise a lesson by writing. So learn and write, then write and learn. In order to keep the lesson in memory, revise the course. To remove the fear of examination, practice some of sort of tests to assess you progress and preparation.

How to keep fit
Health is wealth. Everybody want live healthy. In order to keep fit you have to follow the rules of heath. You cannot keep fit without eating balanced diet. Along with a balanced diet you ensure sound sleep and proper rest. Avoid mental anxieties. Physical exericise is also esential for all to keep fit. Another essential thing in good food. Avoin unhygienic food or any kind of stale food. Over eating causes indigestion. So don’t over eat. Take food in time. Give up any kind of bad habit or addiction. In order to keep fit mentally, control your emotions and accept the reality. Avoid rension and always take care of health. Never take medicine without consulting a doctor because it is dengerous. Always bear in mind that the best way to keep fit is to follow the rules of health and it does not have any alternative.

How to Make a Garden
Hasan is my younger brother. He wants to make a garden himself by the help some of his friend in the madrasah yard. Now, he reads in class eight in a Madrasah. He did not know how to make a garden. Now I am giving him some instruction on how to make a garden. Firstly, he has to find out a suitable piece of land in order to make a garden. Then loose the soil with spade, break the soil into small pieces and level the ground by a leveller. At this time the gorund of the garden will be ready for sowing seeds and planting. Plant the sedd and put manure in the soil. Next. Put a fence around the garden so that cattle even the children can not damage the garden. After that, when the seedling grow make special care of the garden and water the young plant. Seeds-beds have to be made for various seasonal flowers. He can make a vegetable garden beside it. Finally, he has to be more concious especially in taking preventive measures due to control the attacks of diseases of the flower and plants. Thus he will be able to make a garden.

Boishakhi Mela
Baishakhi Mela is one of the major festovals of the people speaking Bangla and a symble of Bangladeshi traditional culture. It is presumed that it was started about 600 years ago during Emperor Akbar’s reign. On this occasion fairs used to organized there. In due course the occasion became a part of domestic and social life, and turned into a day of merriment. Boishakhi Melas are arranged in almost all parts of the country. It is also organinsed in some parts of India. Though Boishakhi Melas are organised in planned way in almost all cities of the country, originally they are most vibrant in rural areas. Various agricultural products, traditional handicrafts, hand-made cakes, special kinds of food stuffs, sweet, petteries, bangles, pitchers and cane products are the main exhibits in such a mela. Toys, commetics as well as various kinds of food and sweets are sold at the fairs. The fairs also provide entertainment with singers and dancers staging Jatra, Pala gan, Jari gan, Gambhira gan Gazir gan, and alkap gan. Artists presents folk songs as well as Baul, Marfati, Murshidi and Bahtiali songs. People of all walks of life visit the mela wearing traditional dresses. The melas add new taste to the day. The Boishakhi Mela is an ancient form of Bengali folk festival that continues to thrive in the modern age. It continues for three days, one week or even as long as month.
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শিশুর জ্ঞান বিকাশ

  শিশুর জ্ঞান বিকাশ একটি শিশুর ভুমিষ্ট হওয়ার পর থেকেই শুরু হয় তার শিক্ষা জীবন। তার প্রতিটি অঙ্গের সঞ্চালনে রয়েছে শিক্ষা। সুস্থ, স্বাভাবি...